We engage undergraduate and graduate students as well as partner companies in using advanced methodologies of the fields of human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence and human perception to develop interactive systems capable of understanding the behavior and emotions of users and communicating information to them in a satisfactory and effective manner.

We teach students to design, develop and evaluate proof of concepts prototypes of multisensory interactive systems. Students learn how to use sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, as well as real-time programming languages to detect the gestures of users and transform them into sounds, visual, and haptic stimuli, applying the knowledge of human perceptual processes.

CIMIL researchers are involved as teachers or students in:

Postgraduate programs

  • PhD of the IECS Doctoral School of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Trento. The IECS Doctoral School is dedicated to promoting excellence in the world of Information and Communication Technology and aims to educate new professional with skills and attitudes for the future. The Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) provides high-quality education in the field of information technology and engineering. The University of Trento, top positions in national and international university rankings, provides a wide range of courses and programmes but also assures a virtuous dynamism of a small university. The PhD program has a duration of 3 years. The students develop their research skills by carrying out a thesis under the supervision of Prof. Luca Turchet, typically within a predefined research project and in close collaboration with other researchers of CIMIL. By doing a PhD, the student develops a systematic understanding of the investigated field, develops the needed skills to conduct research at the highest level, and learns the research methods necessary to conceive, design, implement, and evaluate a substantial research plan with academic rigor. The result of the PhD studies is an original research that extends the frontiers of knowledge of the investigated field at a level which merits international publication and that contributes to foster technological progress in both academic and professional contexts.

More information at: https://ict.unitn.it/

  • Industrial PhD: The Doctorate Program in Industrial Innovation is co-founded by the University of Trento and the Fondazione Bruno Kessler. It is an interdisciplinary program that offers a wide range of courses by the Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the Departments of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI), Industrial Engineering (DII), Economics and Management (DEM), Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM) and Physics (DIF) of the University of Trento.
    Companies are the key players of the Program that propose specific research problems (e.g. research topics 2020) to solve and participate in the design of individual educational paths.

CIMIL collaborates with a number of companies both in the Trento area, Italy and Europe, which offer opportunities for an industrial PhD. These companies include Digital Mosaik (virtual reality, Italy), Elk (music technology, Sweden), GTEC (brain-computer interfaces, Austria), Cyberith (virtual reality, Austria), Prorob (robotics, Italy).

More information at: https://iid.unitn.it/

  • Master degree in Human-Computer Interaction: The ultimate goal of the Master is to train a new generation of researchers and professionals, who can understand the complexity of human cognition, behaviour and emotion at a micro-, meso-, and macro-level, and are able to embed this knowledge in new computing artefacts and technologies matching the most diverse human values, interests and needs.

More information at: https://international.unitn.it/mhci

  • EIT Digital Human-Computer Interaction and Design programme: The EIT Digital Master in Human Computer Interaction and Design (HCID) is a cross-national interdisciplinary program that enables students to exploit their creativity and develop the skills in design, ICT, and business that are needed to address the digital innovation challenges of modern society. The HCID program offers graduates the chance to acquire strong competences about interaction design and evaluation, advanced interactive technologies and the human aspects surrounding them, and to develop a business background and an entrepreneurial attitude.

More information at: https://masterschool.eitdigital.eu/human-computer-interaction-and-design

Undegraduate programs

There are several undergraduate programs where CIMIL researchers teach and thus the students have the chance to get involved with CIMIL projects and activities: